
Saturday, November 3, 2012

DCM on Dobermann (Dilated Cardiomyopathy)

Dilated Cardiomyopathy is a condition where the heart expands and the heart muscle deteriorates. In the Doberman, DCM usually affects the left ventricle and left atrium. Gradual symptoms include irregular heart beat, racing heart beat, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss, and fluid buildup in the lungs and abdomen. However, this condition often first shows its self with the abrupt symptom of sudden death. One third of DCM affected Dobermans will experience sudden death.

There is no definitive test for DCM. However, certain test can discover early signs of the disease such as the holter monitor, ultrasound, and electrocardiogram, which monitor the heart beat. These tests are usually done on a yearly basis and have been successful in early diagnosis of DCM. These tests also contribute to the ongoing research on the Doberman’s heart and the search for a genetic marker of the disease.

This condition can occur suddenly. A Doberman could test fine one day, then experience sudden death a day later. Generally, a Doberman diagnosed with DCM has little time left.
Occult or hidden DCM is a form of DCM that does not display observable signs. In this form, tests show an abnormal heart beat, and if caught early treatment can be effective in extending life.
The key to overcoming this disease includes purchasing our Doberman puppies from responsible breeders who research their blood lines and do not breed Dobermans with a family history of DCM, and continuing research into general Doberman cardiology and finding the genetic marker indicating DCM.


  1. Just as a little bit of extra information on DCM. It's true that it can be a sudden killer and that it can be difficult to detect. The common method for screening DCM is a Holter test, however this test can miss the diagnosis unless the arrhythmia is very pronounced. The best test for detecting DCM early is an echo cardiogram (or an ultrasound of the heart) done by a SPECIALIST. General practitioner vets should not be the ones doing this. It's best to have it done at a young age (about 1yr, younger if you suspect a family history) as a baseline. They can then be done yearly or more frequently if your veterinary specialist sees any abnormalities. If DCM is detected at a young age, there are medications that can significantly lengthen your Dobes life (vetmedin -pimobendan generic- from compounding pharmacies). Echos are are more accurate when done by an experienced professional, but much more expensive than a Holter. There are also supplements that can help (CoQ10, L-cartinine, taurine among others). If you are concerned (as any Dobe owner should be) find a good cardio specialist vet. It can make the difference between your pet living to 5 or 6 to 10 +.
